Th.Ruddy's Report from Meeting on 3rd June

Report from Meeting Report
from Meeting on 3rd June
 on Fair Trade

While outside in the street fishermen marched  in protest and burned a car, this meeting was held in view of the Commission's intention to draft a response to:
In these documents measures such as a stakeholder dialogue, studies, VAT relief, "Aid for Fair Trade" and a central contact point are called for to benefit "consumer assurance schemes" like those of Fair Trade.

In contrast to these predated facts of the matter (including a conference in 2007, programme in PDF), the representatives of DG Trade claimed they had left the field open in an attempt to promote civil society initiatives during the session. However it immediately became apparent that there was a credibility gap delaying further progress between the participants at the session and the representatives of DG Trade. This was referred to in interventions by Thomas Ruddy, Charly Poppe of Friends of the Earth, Johan De Clercq of Max Havelaar, Ms. Guttenstein of  ISEAL, Ms. Osterhaus of the International Federation for Alternative Trade, two representatives of the Plate-Forme pour le Commerce Equitable, Marlike Kocken of the European Fair Trade Association and Mr. Justice of the International Trade Union Confederation.

Thomas Ruddy and the Trade Union representative referred to parallels to the case of CSR, where a role for the European Commission had been sought in EP resolutions. Thomas Ruddy asked whether there were plans for a wider, larger-scale stakeholder dialogue as in the case of CSR, and no satisfactory answer was given.

SERI has a special highlight this month on  International Trade and Environmental Impacts.

Updated: 9th June 2008

Surf back up to SERI member page Thomas Ruddy

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