Reports from Meeting
on 3rd May on the Evaluation of the Civil Society Dialogue

The session centered around the recommendations from the Ecorys evaluation paper. The recommmendations are in two groups, "strategic" and "specific". They start on page 109 of this 140-page PDF document.

 Two major topics covered during the discussion were:

As it turns out, “Contact Groups” are a current trend in Brussels, perhaps accentuated by the prevailing Period of Reflection on the need for a Constitutional Treaty. It was “The Civil Society Contact Group”, which published an insightful paper in November 2006 entitled "Civil Dialogue: making it work better".

Eivind Hoff from WWF EPO wondered about feedback from DG Trade on suggestions put forth by CS. Here too, it was thought that the Internet could provide the necessary technical means for follow-up giving officials time to act on suggestions, as is done in the usual “to-do” lists concluding minutes of meetings.

Updated: 9th May 2007

Surf back up to SERI member page Thomas Ruddy

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